...What if your expatriation was the opportunity to discover and let your True Self emerge!
“We would all be transformed if we had the courage to be what we are. »
Marguerite Yourcenar
You might have noticed that, sometimes, you betray yourself to stay true to what's expected of you.
Despite your desire to be yourself, your behaviors (what you do, think and say) emerge in an "auto-pilot" mode. You see yourself behaving without being able to control yourself and yet you know that deep inside you, there is a desire to be true.
If this experience away from home was an opportunity to shed the person you think you are and embody who you really are, your True Self.
You dropped everything in your home country to follow your spouse.
You said goodbye to your family, friends, co-workers… to live the expat adventure and discover new horizons.
One of the most important question that you have is: What am I going to do there? ​
Explore this new country I’m moving to?
Take the time to look after my family?
Take this opportunity to learn a new skill?
And think of a life transition..?
Look for a job?
Think about a new project to launch on my own or with a friend?
If it was also the opportunity to benefit from being away from your home country, the cradle of your “identity mold”, to discover and unfold the Being that has been hiding behind your "masks" you are wearing.
What makes the expatriation an ideal time & place to unfold
By being immersed in a culture different from ours, we experience other ways of being, doing and thinking.
This allows us to put into perspective the framework in which we grew up and reassess our original beliefs.
We move away from the environment that has nurtured and shaped the identity mould in which we have built masks. It gives us more freedom to behave differently, in a framework that will allow our identity to take an increasingly impregnated form of our True Nature.
Our loved ones are far away. Being used to interacting with our "original mold", they could exert resistance to see us change (often unconsciously).
This distance gives a greater freedom for the unfoldment to happen...
The clean slate...
We land in an ecosystem that is unknown to us and for which we are unknown.
Each expatriation is an opportunity to write a new chapter of our life in which we can "practice" this blooming person that we unfold freely.
An unavoidable disruption occurs which triggers our defense mechanism - behaviors, thought patterns, limiting beliefs. These mechanisms being out in the open, we can turn towards them and take the necessary steps to address them so that they don't block us anymore. Surprisingly, our unfoldment is rooted in this point of instability.
Through my coaching programs, I help you unfold your True Nature hindered by your conditioning.
Our conditionings are the ways we have learned to "be in the world". Very useful when we were children, they often limit us in our adult life. By remaining faithful to these conditionings (by playing the person we think we should be), we betray ou Unconditioned Being, patiently waiting to unfold.
This disconnection from our Unconditioned Being / True Self, is often manifested in the way we look at ourselves and by various blockages in the fluidity of our lives:
Lack of confidence and self-esteem
Difficulty in fulfilling our wishes or goals
Relationship nodes with our loved ones or at work
Ignorance and disregard for our own needs
Difficulty adapting to a new environment
Paralysis in our communication with others
Inability to regulate our emotions
Feeling of being regularly rejected by others
Fear of the unknown or leaving our comfort zone
Difficulty expressing opinion or saying no
Feeling an inertia that, despite the desire to accomplish things, prevents us from moving
Blocked in our projects by an impostor syndrome or perfectionism
Darkened by chronic stress that prevents us from experiencing joy
These are some of the ways in which we experience the disconnection from our True Nature. We can talk about your unique way of experiencing that disconnection in your life during a free discovery session.